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ProGrass™ Professional Low Maintenance Fine Turf Grass Seed Mix

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Low Maintenance Fineturf

Our Low Maintenance Fineturf is the hassle-way to add a lawn to domestic and commercial outdoor spaces. The carefully selected blend of fescues creates an attractive sward for gardens, parks, sports grounds and many more.

 This type of lawn doesn’t require much maintenance, which is ideal in settings where garden services are limited such as council-run parks, schools and social housing areas. 

 It is also ideal for golf fairways, where it’s extremely important to have a high quality, even grass area. Lawns in these applications also need to withstand the high volume of foot traffic, along with the impact of the balls being hit and landing.

The mix doesn’t contain Ryegrass and is made up of: 

70% Creeping Red Fescue – Festuca Rubra
30% Chewings Fescue – Festuca Rubra Commutata


Because there is a reduced need for mowing, the grass grows back at a slower rate. This makes it one of the easiest and most convenient grass seed choices out there!

The sowing rate is 35gm², overseeding rate is 20 gm² and can be mowed down to a height of 35mm.

If you’re looking to grow a lawn with low maintenance which offers convenience and flexibility whilst cutting time and costs, this is the perfect choice for you.

Product image depicts 250g size, packaging varies on other sizes

Pack Size Price Price per kg
1kg £10.15 £10.15
2kg £14.99 £7.50
4kg £26.39 £6.60
6kg £36.06 £6.01
10kg £55.40 £5.54
20kg £105.87 £5.29